Third Saturday Walks Butterflies & Native Plants
Pat Brown will introduce you to several native plants and talk about
the butterflies that sip their nectar and the caterpillars that eat their
leaves. Pat has photos of butterflies in all stages of development,
from eggs to mature butterflies, and will share them along with
fascinating butterfly facts. She’ll lead you to hangouts of variable
checkerspot, Morro blue, swallowtail, hairstreak, and other butterflies that make the Elfin Forest their home. She will also share
information about butterfly books, web sites, and butterfly-related
materials. She recommends that you bring a pair of close-focusing
(5-10 ft.) binoculars.
To reserve a spot on the walk, email us at walks@elfin-forest.org Indicate the number in your party on the subject line of your email. Wear comfortable shoes and layers in case of fog or wind. Meet at the north end of 15th St. in Los Osos. An easy 1-mile walk lasts 1.5 to 2 hours. |