
Take the spur to the right and follow it into the oak grove.  This grove was named in memory of one of the individuals who was instrumental in establishing this natural area.  The centuries-old trees here are a unique form of Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia) growing elsewhere as tall as 50 feet. Here they only grow to about 20 feet high, limited by the coastal dune environment.  The name "Elfin Forest” refers to the stunted height of the vegetation.

• These oaks are about 200 year old.  In other groves they could be up to 400 years old.

• It is difficult to determine how many tree are actually growing in this grove.  Their trunk twist and turn down into the ground and return back up.

• Lace Lichen (Ramalina menziesii) dangles from the branches.  Lichens are actually fungi and algae living together in symbiosis.

• Unlike a parasite, Lace Lichen is helpful to the oaks, collecting moisture and nutrient from the foggy air.

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