Index to Past Issues of Oakleaves
Articles published from 2020 to the present in Oakleaves are listed below according to their subject.
Education Committee Docents Lead School Walks, February/March 2022: 7.
Education Committee News, August/September 2021: 7.
Education News: Chumash Walks for Second Graders, February/March 2020: 7.
Education Report, Summer 2022: 8.
Guided Walks for Baywood School First Grade Classes, June/July 2020: 9.
Enjoy Octoberfest! Booth Workers Needed, Fall 2022: [12].
Nature Walks in the Elfin Forest, Summer 2022: 4.
October 11 Big Sit Results, December 2021/January 2022: 9.
2019 Christmas Bird Count in the Elfin Forest, February/March 2020: 7.
2020 Elfin Forest Big Sit, Covid-19 Version, December 2020-January 2021: 9.
Walks in the Elfin Forest, August/September 2020: 9.
Walks in the Elfin Forest, October/November 2021: 9.
Walks in the Elfin Forest: Saturday Walks, February/March 2020: 9.
Walks in the Elfin Forest: Saturday Walks, April/May 2020: 9.
Walks in the Elfin Forest: Saturday Walks, June/July 2020: 9.
Walks in the Elfin Forest: Saturday Walks, August/September 2020: 9.
Walks in the Elfin Forest: Saturday Walks, October/November 2020: 9.
Walks in the Elfin Forest Update [videos on the website], February/March 2021: 8.
Walks Update, December 2020-January 2021: 9.
Walks in the Elfin Forest [September, October, November], Fall 2022: 9.
Big Sit Results, October 11, December 2021/January 2022: 9.
Bug photos from the Forest, April/May 2022: 6.
Cardinal catchfly, Fall 2022: 5.
Chestnut-backed Chickadee (Poecile rufescens barlowi), June/July 2020: 4.
Coming up in the Elfin Forest, Fall, 2022: 8.
Coyotes [urban] of the Elfin Forest, June/July 2021: 1, 3.
Detecting Wild Boar in the South Bay,Fall 2022: 3.
Dozer, the Long-billed Curlew is Back! August/September 2021: 1.
Funereal Duskywing Skipper (Erynnis funeralis), April/May 2021: 4.
Great Egret (Ardea alba), October/November 2021: 4.
Ground Squirrel, California (Otospermophilus beechyi), August/September 2021: 4.
Helminthoglypta walkeriana[on snail's name] April/May 2022: 1, 3.
Ladybird (aka Ladybug) Beetle, June/July 2021: 4.
Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus), October/November 2020: 5-6.
Mammals of El Moro Elfin Forest in a Year of Drought, February/March 2022: 1.
Monarch Population Plunges; How to Help, April/May 2021: 6.
Monarch Numbers Soared in California, but . . . , April/May 2022: 9.
Morro Shoulderband Snail Downlisted, April/May 2022: 3.
New Bulletin Board Feature: Plant and Bug of the Month, April/May 2021: 9.
Northern Shoveler (Spatula clypeata), December 2020-January 2021: 6.
Oak Gall Wasp (spp.), April/May 2022: 4.
Painted Lady Butterfly (Vanessa cardui), April/May 2020: 4.
Story of a Snail's Name:Helminthoglypta walkeriana, April/May 2022:1, 3.
Support Monarchs and Other Pollinators with Native Plants, December 2021/January 2022: 9.
2019 Christmas Bird Count in the Elfin Forest, February/March 2020: 7.
2020 Elfin Forest Big Sit, Covid-19 Version, December 2020-January 2021: 9.
Western Grebe and Clark's Grebe, December 2021-January 2022: 4.
Willet (Tringa semipalmata), August/September 2020: 4.
Annual Treasurer's Report for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, Fall 2022: 10.
Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year July 2019-June 2020, October/November 2020: 2.
Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year July 2020-June 2021, October/November 2021: 2.
Board Election Results, February/March 2019: 2.
Election of Board Members, Fall 2022: 10.
FEMEF Annual Celebration Will Be Virtual This Year, October/November 2020: 1.
FEMEF Board Officers Elected, April/May 2021: 10.
FEMEF Board Officers Elected in February, April/May 2022: 2.
FEMEF Mission: Recovery and Beyond, April/May 2021: 1-2.
FEMEF's New Directors, February/March 2021: 1.
FEMEF's Plans for Butterfly Hill Plan Submitted, April/May 2021: 1, 3.
FEMEF's 2020/2021 Projects, August/September 2020: 1-2.
Join the FEMEF 2022 Annual Celebration, Fall 2022: 1.
Meet Our Conservation Committee Co-Chairs, April/May 2020: 3.
2020 Virtual Celebration, February/March 2021: 1, 3.
2021 Virtual Annual Celebration, December 2021/2022: 1-2.
Vote for Board Members, December 2020-January 2021: 10.
We Invite You to Join the FEMEF 2021 Annual Celebration, October/November 2021: 1-2.
Welcome to Three New Board Members, February/March: 1.
Another View of the Forest, April/May 2022: 6.
Bedstraws (Galium andrewsii, G. nuttallii, G. aparine), December 2020-January 2021: 5.
Black Elfin Saddle Mushroom (Helvella lacunosa), February/March 2020: 4.
Bracken Fern (Pteridium aquilinum), April/May 2022: 5.
California Native Plant Week is April 11-19, 2020, April/May 2020: 2.
Cape Ivy Lurks behind the Scenes, April/May 2021: 7.
Carbon Ball Mushrooms (Dardinia concentrica), June/July 2021: 3.
Coastal California Buckwheat, California (Eriogonum fasculatum), June/July 2020: 5.
Coming up in the Elfin Forest, Fall 2022: 8.
Eelgrass Restoration Update, October/November 2020: 8.
Gardening with the Blue Elderberry (Sambucus nigra subsp. cerulea), August/September 2021: 9.
Gardening with California Wax Myrtle, Fall 2022: 7.
Hollyleaf Cherry (Prunus ilicifolia), Summer 2022: 6.
Miner's Lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata), February/March 2020: 4.
New Bulletin Board Feature: Plant and Bug of the Month, April/May 2021: 9.
Painted Lady Butterfly, April/May 2020: 4.
Peony, California (Paeonia californica), December 2021/January 2022: 5.
Pholisma(Pholisma arenarium), August/September 2020: 5.
Pomona Milkvetch (Astragalus pomonensis), October/November 2020: 4.
Rein Orchid, June/July 2021: 5.
Rose, California (Rosa californica), August/September 2021: 5.
Sagebrush, California (Artemisia californica), February/March 2022: 5.
Sahara Mustard Threatens Los Osos and the Elfin Forest, April/May 2020: 7.
Seaside golden yarrow (Eriophyllum staechadifolium)), February/March 2021: 5.
Shakespeare [plants mentioned by] in the Elfin Forest, Summer 2022: 4-5.
Suffrutescent Wallflower (Erysimum spp.), April/May 2020: 5.
Turkey-tailed Mushroom, February/March 2022: 4.
Western or Cobweb Thistle, April/May 2021: 5.
Witch's Butter Mushroom, February/March 2021: 4.
Adventures in Reseeding, February/March 2022: 9.
Boardwalk Guides and QR Codes, October/November 2020: 9.
Cal Poly Service Fraternity Helps Out in Elfin Forest, December 2020-January 2021: 4.
County Parks Continues to Support FEMEF Boardwalk Maintenance, Fall 2022: 2
Elfin Forest Bench Project Complete, February/March 2020: 3.
Elfin Forest Is on Instagram, April/May 2022: 7.
Elfin Forest Work Party Day Moved to Friday, February/March 2020: 2.
Elfin Forest Work Report €”July and August, October/November 2021: 7.
Elfin Forest Work Report, December 2021/January 2022: 7.
Elfin Forest Work Report, February/March 2022: 7.
Elfin Forest Work Report, April/May 2022:7.
Elfin Forest Work Report, Summer 2022: 8.
New County Ordinance Signs for Forest, February/March 2020: 3.
No Recognition Bricks, But Bench Plaques, Fall 2022: 2.
Oakleaves to Go Quarterly, Summer 2022: 1.
Plans for Butterfly Hill Project, December 2020-January 2021: 1.
Plastic Fence Removal and Butterfly Hill Update, Fall 2022: 2.
Progress in Boardwalk Repair, Fall 2022: 7.
Trail Guide Update, Fall 2022: 2.
Webmaster Changes FEMEF Website's Looks, December 2021/January 2022: 7.
Weed Warrior Reports, October/November 2020: 7.
Weed Warrior Reports, August/September 2020: 7.
Weed Warrior Reports, December 2020/January 2021: 7.
Weed Warrior Report, April/May 2021: 3.
Weed Warrior Report, June/July 2021: 7.
Weed Warrior Report, August/September 2021: 7.
Weed Warrior Report, February/March 2021: 7.
Weed Warrior Reports, June/July 2020: 3.
Weed Warrior Reports, February/March 2020: 6.
Weed Warrior Reports, April/May 2020: 6.
Why Are Fences in the Elfin Forest . . . .? June/July 2020: 1-2.
Elfin Forest Elf Visits Atascadero Kiwanis Club, April/May 2022: 9.
FEMEF Annual Celebration Will Be Virtual This Year, October/November 2020: 1.
FEMEF Participation in LOCAC Outreach Event, Summer 2022: 10.
Life Member's Family Celebrates with Generous Donation, June/July 2020: 10.
SWAP 2019 Annual Celebration, February/March 2020: 1.
2019 Christmas Bird Count in the Elfin Forest, February/March 2020: 7.
2020 Elfin Forest Big Sit, Covid-19 Version, December 2020-January 2021: 9.
2020 Virtual Celebration, February/March 2021: 1, 3.
2021Virtual Annual Celebration, December 2021/January 2022: 1-2.
We Invite You to Join the FEMEF 2021 Annual Celebration, October/November 2021: 1-2.
Brooks, Allyson, Meet Our Annual Celebration Speaker, Fall 2022:1, 3.
Calizo, Albert, Leaves FEMEF Board, August/September 2021: 2.
Calizo, Albert [new Board member], February/March 2021: 1.
Carmody, Roger [new Board member], Summer 2022:1.
Dees, Robert [new Board member], February/March 2022: 1.
Deitz, Elsie, A Remembrance, Summer 2022: 3.
DiLeo, Jan, FEMEF Chair Retires from Board, December 2020-January 2021: 1-2.
Erickson, Lannie, Weed Warrior Poet, June/July 2020: 1-2.
Fash, Allison [new Board member], February/March 2022: 1.
Gaylord, Lasca, Pecho District Supervising Ranger, October/November 2021: 1, 3.
Hay, Tom, FEMEF's Indestructible Printer, December 2021/January 2022: 3.
Hendricks, Steve [new board member], February/March 2021: 2.
Johnsen, Vicky [Conservation Committee Co-chair], April/May 2020: 3.
Markwort, Lee, Remembering, Fall 2022: 4.
Meyer, Bob, Has Retired as Webmaster, December 2020-January 2021: 3-4.
Myers, Ron, Remembering, October/November 2020: 8.
Otto, Shirley, A Remembrance, August/September 2021: 1-2.
Perrine, John [new Board member], February/March 2022: 1.
Reifel, Jeff, Is New FEMEF Webmaster, December 2020-January 2021: 3-4.
Reifel, Jeff [new Board member], February/March 2021: 2.
Rotstein, Skip [Conservation Committee Co-chair], April/May 2020: 3.
Sarafian, Pete, Leads Ivy Removal, April/May 2020: 6.
Sarafian, Pete, Retires from Forest Work, August/September 2021: 3.
Van Beveren, Chris, Remembering, Fall 2022: 4.
Walters, Bonnie, A Remembrance, October/November 2021: 10.
Welchert, Alice, Sahara Mustard Warrior, June/July 2020: 9
Wright, June, Memorial Service, October/November 2021: 10.
Waddell, Yolanda, Yolanda Waddell, August/September: 1, 3.
Yon, Rachel Winn, Remembering, February/March 2020: 10.
A Little Elfin Forest Magic [yoga images], February/March 2021: 9.
Another View of the Forest, April/May 2022: 6.
Bug photos from the Forest, April/May 2022: 6.
By Bonnie Walters: Selected Few Beautiful and Precise Plant Drawings, October/November 2021: 5.
Calendar Images, August/September 2021: 6.
Enjoy the Elfin Forest from Home, June/July 2020: 6.
February Images from Our Historic Calendars, February/March 2021: 6.
Images from the Forest, June/July 2021: 6.
New Bulletin Board Feature: Plant and Bug of the Month, April/May 2021: 9.
Photos from the Forest, February/March 2020: 9.
Photos from the Forest, August/September 2020: 9.
Photos from the Forest, December 2020-January 2021: 7.
Photos from the Forest, October/November 2021: 9.
Photos from the Forest, February/March 2022: 6.
Photos from the Forest, Summer 2022: 7.
Photos from the Forest, Fall 2022: 6.
Photos from the Forest—Bob Meyer's Favorites, December 2021/January 2022: 6.
Yolanda's "Pics"—Some of Her Favorite Photos, August/September 2020: 10.
Annoying Antics in the Forest, October/November 2020: 3.
Boardwalk Guides and QR Codes, October/November 2020: 9.
Elfin Forest Beat, February/March 2021: 9.
Elfin Forest Beat, June/July 2021: 9.
Elfin Forest Beat, August/September 2021: 9.
Elfin Forest Beat, October/November 2021: 7.
Elfin Forest Beat II, April/May 2021: 9.
Elfin Forest: Preserve or Playground? February/March 2021: 7.
Elfin Forest's Critical Habitat Status, April/May 2020: 1-2.
Elfin Forest: Preserve or Playground? February/March 2021: 7.
Elfin Forest Watchers Wanted, April/May 2021: 10.
El Moro Elfin Forest in the Time of Covid-19, August/September 2020: 6.
Extreme Weather and Our Part of the Planet, April/May 2021: 2.
Forest Happenings [illegal bench], Summer 2022: 7.
Friends of the Elfin Forest and the Covid Pandemic, December 2021/January 2022: 1-2.
Kindness Rocks and the Elfin Forest, August/September 2021: 6.
Making a Difference through the Years, June/July 2021: 9.
Nightlife in the Elfin Forest, October/November 2020: 7.
South Bay Boulevard Bridge to Be Rebuilt, October/November 2021: 6.
Smoldering Fire in Rose's Grove, Fall 2022: 9
State of the Forest, Summer 2022: 2.
"The Peace of Wild Things" [poem], June/July 2021: 9.
Truck Hits 16th St. Backstop, October/November 2021: 6.
Walk through the Seasons in the Elfin Forest, December 2021/January 2022: 1.
Why I Love Los Osos and the €śElephant Forest.€ť April/May 2022: 1.
New Adopt-a-Park Agreement Signed, February/March 2021: 3.
Founding of Small Wilderness Area Preservation (SWAP), April/May 2020: 1.
Land and Water Conservation Fund Helped SWAP/FEMEF Get Started in 1971, June/July 2021: 1-2.
SWAP and the Elfin Forest—Historical Notes, August/September 2021: 10.
SWAP 2019 Annual Celebration, February/March 2020: 1-2.
SWAP Name Change Is Official, February/March 2020: 1.
Cal Poly Service Fraternity Helps Out in Elfin Forest, December 2020-January 2021: 4.
Enjoy Octoberfest! Booth Workers Needed, Fall 2022: [12].