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Butterflies and Moths of the Elfin Forest

  Common Name Scientific Name Size   Flight   Color   Host/Nectar Plant #  
  Acmon Blue Plebejus acmon acmon 1" 5-7 Bl 13, 72, 120, 128 / 72, 99
  Anise Swallowtail Papilio zelicaon 3" 3-7 Y/Bk 85 / 165, 78, 63
  Behr’s (Mormon) Metalmark   Apodemia mormo virgulti 1" 5-9 O/Bk 72 / 72
  Cabbage White Pieris rapae 2" 3-10 W 20, 153 / 99
  Coastal Bramble Hairstreak   Callophrys dumetorum viridis   1" 3-4 G 72, 120 /
  Common Ringlet Coenonympha tullia 1.5" 2-9 W 82, 83, 84 /
  Gabb's Checkerspot Chlosyne gabbii 1.5" 4-7 O 96, 112 / 79
  Gray Hairstreak Strymon melinus 1" 5-7 Gr 72, 154, 125, 128 /
  Gulf Fritillary Agraulis vanillae 2.5" 1-12 O Not present /
  Hedgerow Hairstreak Satyrium saepium 1" 3-7 Br 41 / 150, 99, 72
  Monarch Danaus plexippus 4.5" 10-2 O Not present /
  Morro Blue Plebejus icarioides moroensis 1" 5-6 Bl 123 / 120
  Orange Sulfur Colias eurytheme 2" 3-10 Bl 13, 118, 119, 120 /
  Pacific Sara Orangetip Anthocharis sara sara 1.5" 3-4 W/O 20, 62, 153 /
  Pale Swallowtail Papilio eurymedon 3.5" 4-7 W/Bk 41, 154, 155, 150 /
  Silvery Blue Glaucopsyche lygdamus 1" 3-5 Bl 120 / 120
  Variable Checkerspot Euphydryas chalcedona 2" 4-7 Bk 131, 174 / 6, 165, 78, 3, 99, 63, 72
  Umber Skipper Poanes melane 1" 5-10 Br 58 / 6
  West Coast Lady Vanessa annabella 2" 3-6 O/Bk 125, 196, 197 / 71 72
  Western Pygmy Blue Brephidium exile 0.5" 3-9 Bl 15 16 /
  Western Tailed-blue Everes amyntula 1" 5-6 Bl 13 /
  Western Tiger Swallowtail Papilio rutulus 3.5" 2-8 Y/Bk 144, 147, 162 / 36, 49, 50, 112
  California Oak Moth Phryganidia californica 0.5" 6-7 Br 152 / none
  Ceanothus Silk Moth Hyalophora euryalus 2.5" 1-7 Br 41 / none
  Ctenuchid Moth Ctenucha species 1" 3-7 Br/R Grasses & sedges


  Size – The size of the front wing, from base to tip, given in inches.

Flight – the months in which a species is "normally" seen flying in the Elfin Forest. Weather can change these dates.

Host / Nectar Plant:  Plant ID number of host plant (plant larvae feed on) / ID of nectar plant (plant adults drink from) - see below:

  #   Common name
  3 Yarrow
  6 Seaside fiddleneck
13 Pomona milk-vetch
15 Watson's saltbrush
20 Mustards ●●
36 Italian thistle ●●
41 Buck brush
46 California goosefoot
49 Cobwebby thistle
50 Bull thistle ●●
58 Bermuda grass ●●
62 Yellow tansy mustard
63 Blue dicks
71 Mock heather
72 Dune buckwheat
78 Suffrutescent wallflower
79 California poppy
82 Tall fescue ●
83 California fescue
84 Meadow fescue ●
85 Fennel ●●
96 Telegraph weed
● = non-native plant
●● = invasive non-native plant
  Color – predominant color(s)
       W = white
       Y = yellow
       O = orange
       G = green
       Gr = gray
       Bl = blue
       Br = brown
       Bk = black.

  #    Common name
  99 Wedgeleaf horkelia
112 California aster
118 Birdfoot trefoil ●
119 Rush deerweed
120 Deerweed
123 Silver dune lupine
125 Cheeseweed ●
128 White sweet-clover ●
131 Sticky monkey-flower
144 Sycamore
147 Black cottonwood
150 Hollyleaf cherry
152 Coast live oak
153 Wild radish ●
154 California coffeeberry
155 Redberry
162 Arroyo willow
165 Black sage
174 California figwort
196 Stinging nettle
197 Dwarf nettle ●

 "The Butterflies of the Estero Bay Area" 
 MBNEP / California State Park's guide 
Good information plus lots of color photographs.