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Friends of El Moro Elfin Forest
Document File Drawer


This sections contains all the important documents pertaining to FEMEF (SWAP) and to the administration of the Elfin Forest by FEMEF, San Luis Obispo County Parks and California State Parks.

  Elfin Forest Natural Area Resource Management Plan   Elfin Forest Natural Area Resource Management Plan prepared by FEMEF for The County of San Luis Obispo, Parks Division - August 1997 (5 mb).

  Draft Recovery Action Plan for the El Moro Elfin Forest   - The 01/10/2003 (final version) plan prepared by the Morro Group for SLO County Parks (23 mb).

  Recovery Plan for the Morro Shoulderband Snail and Four Plants from Western San Luis Obispo County, California     U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - September 1998 (7 mb).