Third Saturday WalksFungus Foray – Mushrooms and More
Join fungophile Dennis Sheridan on a delightful
exploration of the Elfin Forest floor for fascinating
mushrooms such as wood blewits, black elfin saddles,
earthstars, golden caps, boletes, and poisonous
amanitas. Dennis will take us on a trek to the lower
oak grove next to the bay to find these marvelous
fungi. Only a very heavy rain will cancel the walk.
To reserve a spot on the walk, email us at walks@elfin-forest.org Indicate the number in your party on the subject line of your email. Wear comfortable shoes and layers in case of fog or wind. Meet at the north end of 15th St. in Los Osos. An easy 1-mile walk lasts 1.5 to 2 hours. |
February 15 | Dennis Sheridan |