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African bridal creeper in the Elfin Forest





This document originally was a series of SWAP newsletter articles on alien plant species that are invading the Elfin Forest Natural Area and surrounding wildlands in the community of Los Osos. Located on the central coast of California, the Los Osos area has a mild climate that is ideally suited to alien plants from other Mediterranean environments. Unchecked alien species take over and crowd out plants that have been part of coastal California for centuries. It is hoped that with this document, the aliens will become more recognizable to members of SWAP and the Los Osos community. Community members are encouraged to volunteer to assist SWAP and local and county agencies in controlling the pest plants. Community involvement could make a big difference in restoring and maintaining the health of the local coastal habitat.


Assistance with or questions about control of alien weeds and the preservation of native California flora can be addressed to SWAP at (805)-528-0392.


Table of Contents


Part 1:The Big Picture

Part 2: African Bridal Creeper - "ABC"
(Asparagus asparagoides)

Part 3: Cape Ivy (Delairea odorata)

Part 4: Malta Starthistle or Tocalote (Centaurea melitensis)

Part 5: Italian Thistle (Carduus pycnocephalus)

Part 6: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Part 7: Narrow-Leaved Iceplant (Conicosia pugioniformis)

Part 8: Veldt Grass (Ehrharta calycina)

Part 9: English Ivy (Hedera helix)

Part 10: Pampas and Jubata Grasses

Part 11: Giant Reed (Arundo donax)


